I think Israel tends to be at the leading edge of technological development. 我认为以色列在技术发展领域往往处于最前沿。
Is something wrong with our technological development? 我们的技术开发是不是出现了什么问题?
Economic progress is closely bound up with technological development. 经济进展与技术发展密切相关。
Technological development aims for these kinds of LSI designs and manufacturing processes. 技术的发展正是瞄准了这种大规模集成电路的设计和制造过程。
We will step up the establishment of technological development centers of large and medium-sized enterprises. 加强大中型企业技术开发中心的建设。
Information System Framework for Circular Economy of Changchun Economic and Technological Development Zone 灌区技术经济指标体系长春经济技术开发区循环经济信息体系框架
The six open cities, the economic and technological development zones, and the frontier economic cooperation zones in Xinjiang have made great achievements in construction and investment solicitation. 新疆六个开放城市和经济技术开发区、边境经济合作区各方面的建设和招商引资都取得重大成果。
Third, Beijing is an economic and technological development in the city. 第三,北京是一个经济和技术都在发展的城市。
Zhongguancun Science Park and Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone has become a global gathering of high-end industrial area. 中关村科技园区和北京经济技术开发区已成为全球高端产业的聚集区。
Accelerating scientific and Technological Development and increasing the contribution of scientific and technological advances to economic growth are important means of improving the pattern and quality of economic growth. 摘要加快科技发展,提高科技进步对经济增长的贡献率是实现经济增长方式转变和提高经济增长质量的重要途径。
Scientific and technological development in the realm of health has also increased average life expectancy in China to that in developed countries. 与发达国家相比,中国在健康领域的科学和技术进步也增加了公众的平均寿命预期值。
As of now, Tianjin economic and technological development zone has 99 foreign-funded enterprises that have become bonded factories. 至此,天津经济技术开发区已有九十九家外商投资企业成为保税工厂。
"Manufacturing industry" is an important support of national economy, scientific and technological development. “制造业”是一个国家经济、科技发展的重要支撑。
Research on the Present Situation and Countermeasures of Project Management about Attracting Investments in Xuancheng Economic and Technological Development Zone 宣城经济技术开发区招商引资项目管理现状与对策研究
Moreover along with this technological development more and more many application practical life in, enormous enriching and improved the world people's life and the way of working. 而且随着这项技术发展越来越多的应用到实际生活中来,极大的丰富和改善了世界人们的生活和工作方式。
Recent technological development increases productivity and the boundary between work and play is blurred. 最新科技的发展增加生产力并使工作和生活之间的差别越来越模糊。
Desiring to encourage the continued technological development of the aeronautical industry on a world-wide basis; 期望在全世界范围内鼓励航空工业技术的持续发展;
Many of these students and graduates have contributed substantially to the social, economic and technological development of the communities in which they live and work. 许多学生和毕业生已经在社会、经济、技术发展领域,为他们生活和工作的地区真正做出了贡献。
Technological development is always offering new opportunities for innovative design. 科技日新月异的发展不断为创新设计提供了崭新的机会。
Strengthen the supervision and management and technological development with international standards is now we have to do the work. 加强监督管理,推动技术发展与国际接轨是目前我们要做的工作。
Technological development is a motivator for all three countries, but so is nationalistic pride and regional rivalry. 技术的发展对这三个国家是一种激励,而民族自尊和区域竞争同样也是一种刺激。
And new IP strategies like patent pools could also assist technological development in the developing world, says Gold. Gold说,专利池等新的知识产权策略还可以帮助发展中国家的技术发展。
The furious speed of technological development. 技术发展的飞快速度。
Our company is located in the Asia-Europe bridge bridgehead& Lianyungang city Economic and Technological Development Zone. 我公司地处亚欧大陆桥桥头堡&连云港市经济技术开发区。
The development of technology ( Technological development) contributes to the convenience ( Venice) of people's life. 科技的发展导致了人们生活的便利。
The new technological development area is an area from which the new technology goes into the world. 新技术开发区,新技术就是从这里走向世界。
These include cooperating on the technological development of renewable energies, as well as on carbon capture and storage. 这包括在可再生能源技术发展、以及碳捕获(carboncapture)和储存方面的合作。
This paper tries to analyze the technological development and systematic structure of the open-ended numerical control. 文章试图对基于网络技术的开放式数控系统的技术发展和系统结构进行剖析。
We should formulate a long-term program for scientific and technological development. 制定科学和技术长远发展规划。
This paper analyses the existing problems and deficiencies in the scientific and technological development of the tungsten industry of Ganzhou city, Jiangxi Province. 分析了目前赣州市钨产业科技发展中存在的问题和不足,提出了相应的对策和措施。